Saturday, February 21, 2009

Addison at 5 Months

It's so hard to believe baby Addison is already 5 months olds. These are the pictures we took of her on Feb 12th, her 5 month birthday. Addison continues to be a wonderful, happy baby. She is laughing out loud daily when she is tickled or when she sees something she thinks is funny. She is roll from tummy to back without assistance and is very close to sitting unassisted. Right now she still needs a little support at her back because she tends to get excited and fall backwards. She likes to be upright and fusses when put on her stomach. She also enjoys standing with support. Addison is very good with her hands and is reaching and holding on to lots of things. She is trying her best to get to the keyboard as I am typing this. She is babbling alot and has discovered squealling in the past week. Addison is now eating rice cereal every morning and has also started eating sweet potatoes and carrots in the evenings. We will introduce a new veggie each week now. She enjoys eating her veggies--at least for now. Addison is growing so quickly. She is long so she is outgrowing her one piece outfits (3-6 months) quickly. Her 3-6 month outfits that have a top and pants still fit well although the waist in some of the pants are still too big. Addison is beginning to show her "additude" more and more at times. For example, she is fussing at me now because I won't letter her type. She knows what she wants and expects you to know too! Addison is sleeping through the night from about 8:30-5:00 during the week. This morning she let us sleep in until 7:15. I was thrilled because is has been a trying week and I was worn out!
Wayne and I continue to marvel at this wonderful gift the Lord has blessed us with. She has changed our lives in so many ways and I am eternally grateful for it. I hope you enjoy this update on our sweet baby Addison.
Prayer Request: Please keep my cousin's daughter, Sarah Kathryn, in your prayers. She was injured in a soccer game Thursday night when she was kneed in the abdomen. She had to have surgery yesterday and they found that part of her intestine had been separated from her stomach due to the blow. She is in ICU now and will be in the hospital for several more days and will have a feeding tube for a while after she gets out. Please keep this sweet, active 15 year old in your prayers as she recovers from her injuries.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Look What I've Found!

It's a mighty tasty thumb!

I've found my feet!

In the last few weeks, Addison has discovered her feet and her thumb. She has enjoyed chewing/sucking on her hands for a while. But recently, her target of choice has been her thumb. When she stirs during the night, I can hear her sucking on her thumb. I guess that's better than having to go find her pacifier for her, but I see braces in our future! She has also discovered her feet. When she is sitting up and has shoes or socks on, she will track her feet back and forth as she kicks. If she is barefooted and on her back, she will pull her feet towards her chest and hold on to her feet with her hands. It's so cute! She hasn't gotten her toes to her mouth yet, but I'm sure that will happen soon.

Love That Bath!

This is a short clip of Addison in the bathtub about a week ago. This is tame compared to some of her baths! She loves to splash and laugh in the tub. Enjoy!