Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twelve Months

It's so very had to believe that the 4 pound, 14 ounce baby who we welcomed into the world on September 12, 2008 is now a walking, talking almost 20 pound toddler. Our lives have changed so much but I can honestly say these last 12 months have been full of love and laughter like we have never experienced before. We are truly thankful to the Lord above for blessing us with our sweet angel. Our prayer is that He continues to bless her with good health and that energetic spirit we all enjoy as He continues to guide us as we strive to raise a happy little girl who loves the Lord. We look forward to what each new month brings as Addison continues to grow and change so quickly. Thank you for joining us on this adventure!

Addison's First Birthday Party

A Pooh Birthday Cake

Addison's little birthday cake

On Saturday, September 12, 2009, we celebrated Addison's first birthday with a party at our community clubhouse. We had a wonderful gathering of family and friends there to help us celebrate. There was lots of good food and fellowship. We are so thankful to all of you who came to help us celebrate and most of all for the blessing of our sweet Addison.

Getting Ready to Enjoy Her Cake

She was a little timid at first because she wasn't familiar with cake.

But soon she was getting into it.

We're still working on table manners and using eating utensils, but she was enjoying it.
The aftermath--can you believe that her clothes and bib came clean!

Checking out the presents
That stack of presents is taller than she is.
Opening presents with a little help from mommy.
Her popper toy was her favorite at the party, but she has had so much fun with all of them today at home.
Sharing her toys with her cousin, Christian.

Birthday Morning

I was hoping Addison would sleep in on her birthday since Wayne and I were up until about midnight getting ready for the big day, but she was up by 6:30. This was us playing on Addison's new Climb and Slide Castle at about 7:30. We were all still in our PJ's out on the back deck, but we were all having fun.

First Present

At work on Friday, my sweet friend Ashley gave me a present for Addison. It was her first birthday present and I couldn't wait until Saturday to let her open it. This was the first present she had really ever opened since she was only 3 months old at Christmas. It didn't take long for her to catch on. She enjoyed the present, but she liked the packaging too.


A step or two at a time.

Then down she goes.

She's off and running!

Walking around at the lake.

Those new tennis shoes are getting a lot of miles on them in a short time.

Addison loves to walk using her walker. She initially just pushed it forward and ran into things. Now she can maneuver around obstacles and turn around to go anywhere she wants to. But I don't think she will be using it for long. This week she started taking a few step on her own. She can now take about 7-8 steps on her own before falling although she still prefers to crawl because she can get where she's going so much faster.