Monday, July 27, 2009

Knock-A-Noggin and Bye Bye Passy!

A big evening at our house--good and bad. While I was cleaning up after dinner, Addison proceeded down the hall following her daddy as she often does. But rather than going into our bedroom with Wayne, she decided to try climbing the stairs up to her room but neither of us realized it. That was until we heard the "thud" and the crying. Addison was face down on the hardwood at the bottom of the stairs. I don't think she was very high on the stairs, but she has a bruise on her forehead. Thankfully it didn't look too bad and she didn't bust her nose or teeth, but we felt awful! Off to Lowe's tomorrow to purchase that gate to go at the bottom of the stairs.

And I also decided that it is time to get rid of Addison's pacifier before I go back to work. The only time she gets it at home is when she is going to sleep or in bed to sleep. So we managed to get her to sleep this evening without her "passy" and so far so good. Say a prayer that my "Little Bear" sleeps through the night without her pacifier. Another big step for my big girl! I can't believe she is growing up so quickly.

Tuesday Morning Update---Addison did pretty well for her first night without her pacifier. She woke up at 10:30 and needed a little help getting back to sleep but slept the rest of the night in her bed. I heard her fussing a few times during the night, but she would always settle herself back down before I had to get up. What a big girl!
Her head doesn't look as bad as I was afraid it would. She's got a little bruise on her forehead above her right eye, but it should fade in the next couple of days. Now time for a shower and our trip to Lowe's to get the gate for the stairs.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life at the Lake--Part 2

Falling asleep with Mommy
In her PJs and ready for bed.

Feasting on a lunch of chicken, zucchini, sweet potatoes, and wheat toast.

Trying out a new hair-do--the spike. Mommy's just happy she has enough hair to spike.

Who said monster trucks are boy toys?

Spending time with Nana--Addison's favorite buddy at the lake.

Just a swingin'. The higher she goes, the more she laughs.

Although we have spent a lot of time on/in the water, we've had fun away from the water too. We're looking forward to a concert on the lake this afternoon with Alan Jackson and one more day at the lake. I hope Addison remembers what home looks like when we get there since we've been away for 12 days now. It's been fun, but I'm ready to get back to our Home Sweet Home.

Life at the Lake

Driving the pontoon boat with Daddy.

In the water with Mommy
In the water with Daddy

In the water in her float. This girl loves the water!

We are having so much fun this week at the lake. We have swam and played all week long. Here are a few pictures from our week on water.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bath Pictures at Nanny and Pappy's--A tradition

Standing in the tub although Mommy keeps saying, "Sit down!"

Getting ready to pull up while still holding on to her toy.

Chewing on the head of her doggy bathtub toy.

All smiles in the tub. This girl loves her bath.

My grandmother hangs lots of pictures of her grandchildren (4 of us) and great grandchild (10 of them) around her home. In her bathroom, there has always been a collage of bathtub pictures. Now the pictures of myself, my brother, and my cousins have been replaced with pictures of our kids. These are some pictures of Addison in Nanny and Pappy's tub tonight. I'll have to hang them in her bathroom and continue that tradition at our home.

Fun at Nanny and Pappy's

Happy as can be playing with Nanny and Pappy.

I think Nanny spent most of the day in floor playing with Addison. I just hope I can get down in the floor when I have great grandchildren.

Pappy builds the tower and Addison knocks it down.

Snuggling with Pappy before bed.

Addison and I are currently in Millbrook (just north of Montgomery) spending some time with my grandparents. I am participating in a study for the Department of Education during the day and enjoying family time at night. It's wonderful to be able to leave Addison knowing she is being well cared for and spoiled. :-) That's what great-grandparents are for. Addison has not even whimpered when I leave her in the mornings because she is having so much fun. I' m thankful for the opportunity to spend time with my grandparents and let them really get to know my little angel. We'll be glad to see Daddy tomorrow though. This is the longest we have been away from him.

Messy Eater

The aftermath of a teething biscuit

Peas and pasta was on the menu and on her face (and hands and clothes)

Blueberries anyone?

Even when she's covered with blueberries and milk, she's still a happy girl!

Here are a few shots of our messy eater. The girl gets food all over herself when she eats and enjoys every minute of it. But she sure doesn't like when it's time to clean up!

Ten Months Old

Sitting still in her chair for a moment.

She's never still for long.

Showing us how she can stand on her own.

Daddy going in for the save before she rolls off the chair. Our little daredevil is fearless!

Addison is now ten months old. At her last checkup, she was in the 50th percentile for length and head circumference, but was only 10th-25th percentile for weight. When I tell people that, they are surprised because the girl has chubby cheeks and thighs. No part of her looks underweight. She looks like a "Mullins" (my side of the family) and the Mullins are not known for being small. Addison continues to enjoy eating, but has become very independent and does not like to be fed by spoon very often (unless it's yogurt or pudding). She finger feeds herself lots of yummy fruits and veggies as well as snacks such as Nilla wafers, graham crackers, and rice cakes. She's also eating chicken, turkey, and beef now. Her favorite food is bread--toast, waffles, biscuits--she's not picky. Just like her mommy!
Addison is very mobile now. She is crawling all over the place and pulling up everywhere. On occasion she gets daring enough to let go, but doesn't stand by herself for long. She is a daredevil trying to crawl over people and things, crawling off the edge of the bed and crawling up stairs already. She also continuing to show her "Addie-tude". If she doesn't get her way, she will fuss and throw herself backwards in protest. If she's like this at 10 months, I can only imagine 2 years. For the most part however, she is our sweet, lovable Addison who we just adore.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Our American Girl

Addison posing on the back of the pontoon boat as we wait for the fireworks on the lake.

She loved her flags, but they were a little dangerous when she got excited.

Thanks for the adorable "American Girl" shirt Holly!

My sweet girl--how can she be that big already?

These pictures were taken on the 4th of July on the lake waiting for the fireworks to begin. We had a wonderful long weekend at the lake enjoying time with family and keeping cool in the lake. Addison continues to enjoy the water--doesn't matter if it's the bathtub, pool, or lake. The girl loves to be in the water and gets so excited when she hears "splish splash" which is our cue that water is coming. It's been a wonderful summer and we are going to make the most of what is left!