Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twelve Months

It's so very had to believe that the 4 pound, 14 ounce baby who we welcomed into the world on September 12, 2008 is now a walking, talking almost 20 pound toddler. Our lives have changed so much but I can honestly say these last 12 months have been full of love and laughter like we have never experienced before. We are truly thankful to the Lord above for blessing us with our sweet angel. Our prayer is that He continues to bless her with good health and that energetic spirit we all enjoy as He continues to guide us as we strive to raise a happy little girl who loves the Lord. We look forward to what each new month brings as Addison continues to grow and change so quickly. Thank you for joining us on this adventure!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad we could make the party! It was so much fun! I can't believe Addison is "1"! She is so adorable and fun! I am so thankful to have you all in my life!

Lisa Byrd