Addison's first real bath-she didn't cry at all!
Addison liked being down in the water for her bath.
Addison's favorite activity--staring at the toys hanging above her activity mat
Staring up at the toys on her activity mat. She is starting to swat at the toys.
It's very hard to believe Addison has been in our lives for a month already. She continues to be a wonderful baby although keeping up with her feeding demands can be a challenge. She has been a bottomless pit for the last few days. I'm hoping it is just a growth spurt and will slow down soon. About the only time she cries now is when she is hungry and I don't respond quickly enough. She was weighed last Thursday and was up to 6 lbs, 7 oz. Hooray!!!
Addison loves her bath now that she can get all the way in the tub. She is becoming much more alert and is smiling and responding more when we talk to her. She is very attracted to visual stimuli and loves to spend time on her activity mat looking at the toys suspended above her.
I haven't had too much time to post, but I will try to catch up on some of the things we have done in the past month soon.
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