Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Four Month Check-Up

Addison's four month check-up on Monday went well. She now weighs 12lbs and 13 ozs which puts her in the 25th percentile for weight. She is 24 inches long which puts her in the 50th percentile for length. She was in the 10th percentile for both at her 2 month check-up, so she is "catching up". The doctor was pleased with her development and she treated him to an array of sounds including a little babbling, a raspberry, and a brief giggle. She also showed off with sitting up with a little support and standing with her arms held. She also fussed when he put her on her belly. That is not her favorite position, but we will keep doing it so she will learn to roll over. He was also pleased with her sleeping 8-1o hours at night--that's mom's favorite accomplishment! She is also putting herself to sleep in her bed now even at Nana's house during the day.

The spots on her face and legs are eczema which he prescribed some cream for. She received 5 more immunizations which was not much fun. Although she screamed through them, she settled down quickly afterwards and fell asleep before we even left the doctor's office.

Addison had her first cereal Monday night after her appointment. She is quite the messy eater. It doesn't help that she likes to keep her hands in her mouth all the time, so cereal was everywhere. We have to start working on our highchair manners. :-) I will have to post pictures later. She will start having cereal 2 times a day next week and then start vegetables at 5 months. My how time flies!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Our big girl in her high chair.

We have had a restful day at home and the house is finally quiet. Wayne and Addison are in bed sleeping and I am spending some "me" time catching up on the computer. We've had a wonderful day just spending time together. We've had play time, nap time, cuddle time, and a short walk through the neighborhood. We couldn't stay inside on such a beautiful day even though it was a little cool. Addison looked so cute bundled up in her pink coat and hat sitting up so big in her stroller.

Today I've had a lot of time to think of how very much our lives have changed in the past four months and how thankful I am for these changes. I use to enjoy going out for dinner and a movie. What a treat. Now there is nothing I'd rather do than stay at home and play with our little Addison. Here are a few of my new favorite things:

*Hearing Addison laugh. She used to only laugh when you tickled her, but this week she started laughing at things we do or say.

*Watching Addison splash in her bathtub. She loves it. Her nickname in the bathtub is "wild thing".

*The sweet smell of a clean baby right after her bath.

*Having Addison smile when I walk into the room. It warms my heart to know she recognizes her mommy (and daddy too).

*Cuddling in bed with Addison early in the morning.

*Listening and watching Addison "talk" herself to sleep on the monitor.

*Watching Addison actually play with her toys. She is growing so quickly.

We will be returning to the pediatrician tomorrow for Addison's 4 month checkup. I had to reschedule it from last week since she has been so sick. I am so happy to report that she is much better. She has only coughed once today. Now she has some type of rash on her face. Last night I thought it might be the beginning of chickenpox since it was possible she was exposed to it over Christmas, but now I'm pretty sure it's not that. I'll try to update tomorrow to let you know how her appointment goes. She has to get 4 more shots! :-( I'm anxious to see how much she has grown. Hopefully she isn't still in the 10th percentile for growth.

Monday, January 12, 2009

What a Wonderful Life!

Addison in one of her Christmas dresses. This picture was taken after church and before we went to my Aunt Jo's Christmas gathering. Unfortunately she spit up all over it before we left home, so we had to change her clothes.

My favorite Christmas shirt--It says "Mom and Dad's Best Present Ever." A very true statement!

A new tradition--A picture in front of the Christmas tree in our jammies.

An old tradition--Every year since Wayne and I started dating, I have gotten a personalized ornament to add to the tree. This year was number 13 and it was extra special since there were 3 names on it.

This was truly the best Christmas ever. Our Christmas "routine" was very similar to the 1o years past, but the addition of Addison made everything so much more special. Although she didn't really understand Christmas, she brought so much joy to us and to our families. What a wonderful time of year!!! I hate that it's over.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Three month pictures and illness update

Little girl in a big chair.

Her little outfit says "Angel". A great description of our sweet girl.

This is Addison in her Denver Broncos onesie sitting on our couch. Apoo (my dad) bought this for her (even before she was born I think) on one of his business trips to Denver. He bought something for my nephews and didn't want to leave "his girl" out.

These are Addison's three month pictures in her special chair. She is in one of her Christmas outfits because they were taken just before we went to our first Christmas celebration of the year. Hard to believe she will be 4 months old on Monday. My how the time has flown.

Addison has been a very sick little girl this week. The doctor was right in his prediction on Monday that she would probably get worse before she got better. She had a pretty good night Monday only waking a few times coughing. On Tuesday she woke around 6 and ate a little. Then we went back to bed and she woke up fussing around 8 as if she was hungry again. I tried to feed her and she just couldn't seem to breath and eat at the same time. Then I tried to give her a bottle and she had the same issues. She got very upset and cried for about an hour. I laid her down to try to quiet her by changing her diaper and noticed that her whole body moving when she breathed because she was having to work so hard to just breath. So, I immediately called the doctor and headed that way. It was pouring down rain and I was trying to keep a hand on her chest in her carseat behind me to make sure she was breathing. After I saw 3 cars spin out in front of me on the interstate and hydroplaned myself, I decided I better drive with 2 hands! Once we got to the doctor's office, her oxygen satuation was down to 92-93 and her respirations were around 60. The doctor said her lungs were not only wheezing, but they were crackling now. He gave her another breathing treatment which seemed to help her breath a little easier. He said she was borderline of having to be hospitalized and if her oxygen satuation was not better on Wednesday he would have to admit her. He sent us home with a prescription for an inhaler and an appointment for Wednesday. Thankfully on Wednesday her oxygen satuation was back up to around 95 although he still heard wheezing and crackling in her lungs. He really wanted it at 98, but he was satisfied with her improvement. She is still coughing a good bit and we are continuing with the inhaler every 4 hours which she hates, but she is much more herself and eating much better. The doctor said her cough could possibly hang around for several more weeks. Thankfully she coughs more during the day than at night, so she sleeps pretty well. However, I've had her Pack n Play pulled up right next to my bed to make it easier for me to check on her without getting up. I didn't even do that when she first came home from the hospital. Last night I woke up in a panic because I couldn't hear her breathing. Thankfully she was still breathing, just not wheezing anymore so it was quiet breathing.
We are planning a quiet weekend at home to relax and hopefully catch up on some sleep. I'm glad this first illness is close to behind us. Thank you all for your prayers for little Addison and to my mom who met me at the doctor's office twice so I wouldn't be alone, had Addison's prescription filled and delivered it to us, brought me lunch, and has kept Addison even though she was sick so I could return to work. It was nice to know she was in good hands when I couldn't be with her.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Big 4-0 and Our Sick Girl!

Saturday was a big day for our family. Wayne celebrated his 40th birthday. And he got to start the celebration around 2am Saturday morning when Addison woke up sick. She had a terrible cough so she and I spent the rest of the night propped up on the sofa at the lake. Keeping her propped up seemed to help the cough. After an early morning call to the doctor, they just recommended using a humidifier and keeping her propped up to sleep. Thankfully we didn't have to hurry back to get to the doctor since we were two hours away. We did head back to Birmingham Saturday afternoon so Wayne and I could go out to dinner. We had already asked Wayne's parents to keep Addison so we could enjoy a quiet dinner together. I knew she would be in good hands with Granna and Papaw, so we went to Kobe for dinner. Poor Wayne--I probably talked about Addison more than I should have. But since this is her first illness, I think he was as worried as I was. I kept asking him to check his phone to see if they had called. :-) We ended up picking her up by 8:00 and were all in bed by 9:00. What an exciting 40th birthday--my how things change when you have little ones.

Addison has continued to cough, but has been in a great mood despite not feeling good. I took her to my mom's this morning because I had to return to work. Mom said she thought Addison was wheezing so she convinced me to call the doctor's office. I was afraid I was just being a worrisome first time mom, but I was glad to hear mom was concerned too. After calling and getting a busy signal for 30 minutes (Monday morning right after a holiday), I finally got through and got her an appointment for 11:00. Turns out she has bronchiolitis resulting from RSV. She had a breathing treatment and chest x-ray. She also had one of her ears cleaned out which involved the doctor, a nurse, and myself holding her down while she screamed. She screamed so much that she burst several tiny blood vessels in her scalp and in her face. Now she has red polka dots. At least she will forget this visit, but mom sure won't.

So say a prayer for little Addison. The doctor seemed to think she will probably get worse before she gets better. I'm just thankful she ate something this afternoon. She went about 7 hours this morning without eating and that is very unusual for my little one who has her eating clock set for every 3 hours still. She has been sleeping a lot today and now that mommy is ready to sleep, she is wide awake. Welcome to motherhood!

PS--I haven't forgotten about Christmas pictures. I'll try to post some tomorrow.